Saturday, April 4, 2009


Sorry! That last post was meant for our store blog!


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Friday, April 3, 2009

Grand Re-Opening - Day 1

Wow, what an amazing day. We had a great turnout and it was wonderful
to be able to meet so many different people. Our customers truly are
the best. We still have sidewalk sale items left & I will be putting
out more clearance items tomorrow. There's other sales going on
throughout the store. Come take advantage of it all.
Dan & I were so blessed to host a Pastor meet and greet this morning.
We love it when we get to visit with pastors & church staff. It's
amazing how many people have such a heart for God and for ministry.
We connected with a couple people today and are totally excited about
the future collaborations we will be a part of.
A special Thank You to Linda Salisbury for the touching card and
picture and to the Han family for the card and adorable flowers. That
means the world to us!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


So everyone is up in arms over Chris Brown beating up Rihanna.
There's, of course, a boycott on Browns music. 'They' are saying to
not buy his music or support anything he does. Now Rihanna is under
scrutiny & The make-up company (it's either Revlon or Cover Girl) is
thinking of dropping her because she is not a good role model since
she got back together with Brown. All that to say....Being an animal
factory worker is one of the top five careers for domestic violence &
alcohol abuse. These workers go thru such mental & emotional trauma at
work that they go home & beat their spouses or drink themselves silly.
You're ok with that? When you eat meat & dairy you directly contribute
to those evils. We need to be conscious of how our behavior
influences, both directly & indirectly, others.

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Trader Joes

I finally got a chance to go into TJs the other day. I haven't been in
quite some time because we don't live near one & if I had a choice I
would pick Whole Foods. I was sooo surprised. They have really ramped
up the vegan stuff! Not only do they have a larger selection of stuff
but they also clearly state on most of the stuff if it is vegan or
vegetarian! It makes shopping so much easier when the products tell u
if they are veg or not. I got several great things there that are now
definite must haves in our household!

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Ok...don't know why that sent itself!
I have a bunch of stuff in my head that I want to post but for some
reason I haven't gotten around to it. Keep checking!

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I'm lame

Hey all!
I really do apologize for the lack of posts. I have a bunch just waiti g

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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spring Classes!

I am so excited that classes are starting back! The first class in
Lodi is Monday March 2nd. You can sign up at First Baptist or Vine &
Branches. The Lodi classes are typically the first Monday of the month
@ 7 pm.

The first class at Whole Foods in Sacto is Friday March 13th. You need
to sign up through Whole Foods. (

March will be 'Classic Italian'
April will be 'Easter Brunch'